We have HR Solutions for you


HRS Recruiting Finance

HRS Recruiting in 3 stages

Recruitment and Staffing of Specialised Personnel in the Financial Sector.

Financial & Administration Roles

  1. Research Stage
  2. Interview Stage
  3. Selection Stage

At HR Solutions, we offer you the possibility to participate either in the entire personnel selection process or in parts of it.

Specifically, the HR Solutions Team is equipped with proper qualifications, expertise, and specialization in the financial sector, specializing in Financial & Administration Roles, such as the following:

HRS Recruiting

HRS Recruiting σε 3 βήματα

Search for specialized personnel in the field of Information Technology.

  1. Research Stage
  2. Interview Stage
  3. Selection Stage

HRS Training

HRS Training 2 Evolve

Training and Personnel Development

Assessment of the educational and developmental needs of your company’s human resources.

Designing group and/or individualized training and leadership programmes aimed at the employee development and performance enhancement.

HRS Policies

HRS Policies 4 U

Implementation of Human Resources Policies and Procedures

Development of policies and procedures aimed at evaluating personnel, improving their performance, and their smooth induction to the work environment.

Consulting on drawing organizational charts, job descriptions, and job evaluations.

Drawing a tailored Employee Handbook to fit the working conditions and operations of the company. It includes legal rules and constitutes an independent source of Labour Law.

Depicting the Work Climate through an Employee Satisfaction Survey.

Hire Character. Train Skill.